Tomorrow is the LAST day to register for spring sports at the Tift County Recreation Department! Keep your student active, healthy, and having fun. Don't miss out—sign up now! See flyer for details. ⚽🥎⚾ #PlayMatters#4theT
1 day ago, Dana Spurlin
Rec Dept Registration
Attention Northside families: Our February newsletters and planners in both English and Spanish can be found at the link below.
2 days ago, Tracey Dicks
Newsletter and planners
February 3-7 is School Counselor Appreciation week, and Northside loves our school counselor, Mrs. Kimmy Southers!
4 days ago, Tracey Dicks
School Counselor Appreciation Week
Attention parents and students! The upcoming Sneaker Ball has a date change! See the flyers for more information!
7 days ago, Tracey Dicks
Sneaker Ball
Sneaker Ball
CELEBRATING SUCCESS: Congratulations to the students and staff at Northside Elementary for improving their single score CCRPI by 2.3 points in 2024! #4theT
9 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Northside Elementary
Kona Ice will be here next week! See the flyer for more information!
11 days ago, Tracey Dicks
Kona Ice February
January Newsletter from our Box Top Coordinator, Cathy Smith!
14 days ago, Tracey Dicks
January BoxTop
After communication with Tift County EMA, Local Law Enforcement (Tifton Police and the Sheriff’s Office), and the Tift County Road Department to garner an assessment of road conditions, Tift County Schools will reopen on Friday, January 24th and operate our typical school hours. Please remember to dress warmly and continue to drive with caution as the temperatures will be below freezing again tonight and into the morning. We’re excited to welcome everyone back after our snow days; we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! #4theT
15 days ago, Dana Spurlin
School Will Be Open
After communicating with Tift County EMA regarding current road conditions, the amount of snow received throughout the county, and the freezing temperatures expected this evening, Tift County Schools will be closed on Thursday, Jan. 23. With the exception of essential operational employees who will be contacted by their supervisor if they are needed, no employees should report to work, and all school-related activities are canceled on Thursday. We will continue to monitor weather and road conditions throughout the day on Thursday to make decisions about school on Friday. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure the safety of our entire school community.
16 days ago, Dana Spurlin
After communicating with the Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service this morning, the storm has accelerated and shifted overnight. Given the increased projections of snow accumulation for Tift County, Tift County Schools will be closed on Wednesday January 22, 2025, to include all after school events. Today, 3-12th grade students will come home with Chromebooks for an independent learning day on Wednesday. PK-2nd grade students received work packets on Friday with review activities that can be completed on Wednesday. Further, the district website has been populated with links to educational resources that are located under the For Parents tab within the Tift County Schools website. We will continue to monitor weather and road conditions throughout the day on Wednesday to make decisions about school on Thursday, as more information is available. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure the safety of our entire school community. Stay warm and seize the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of this infrequent weather event for South Georgia!
17 days ago, Dana Spurlin
After communicating with the Emergency Management Agency, overnight the timeline for the onset of the weather has moved up slightly, as a result, we will be dismissing ALL students at 1:45pm today. There is another National Weather Service briefing this morning, which will help inform our decisions regarding Wednesday. We will send out an update as soon as we have more information. As we did on Friday, 3-12th grade students will come home with Chromebooks in the event we have an independent learning day on Wednesday. PreK-2nd grade students received work packets with review activities that can be completed if there is no school on Wednesday. Further, the district website has been populated with links to educational resources that are located under the For Parents tab within the Tift County Schools website. #4theT
17 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Weather Update
Attention Northside parents! See the image for information about dismissal tomorrow.
18 days ago, Tracey Dicks
Early dismissal!
Based on the latest weather updates from the National Weather Service and after communication with our local Emergency Management Agency, Tift County Schools has made the decision that all schools will be in session on Tuesday January 21st, but will release 1 hour early. So, elementary schools will dismiss students at 1:45pm and middle and high schools will dismiss at 2:30pm. This decision is based on the current forecast that the temperatures will drop to freezing between 5 and 6pm on Tuesday evening creating icy conditions on our roads. The hour early dismissal ensures all students, staff, and drivers can be off the roads before the freezing temperatures occur. Additionally, all afterschool activities for Tuesday will be canceled to include practices. Throughout the afternoon and evening on Tuesday, we will continue to monitor the weather as well as road conditions to inform our decisions regarding school on Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure the safety of our entire school community. Stay warm and safe!
18 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Weather Update
We are closely monitoring the weather situation and will make a decision regarding school tomorrow following the National Weather Service briefing early this afternoon. We will share information as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. #4theT
18 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Weather Update
El medio meteorológico predice que una tormenta invernal con potencial de hielo puede impactar Tifton el Martes-Jueves de la próxima semana. Hoy, enviaremos Chromebooks a casa con todos los estudiantes de 3º a 12º grado en caso de un evento climático que justifique el cierre de la escuela la próxima semana. Los maestros de 3º a 12º grado proporcionarán tareas en el Google Classroom de su hijo que tendrían que completarse si el sistema está cerrado debido al clima. Para los estudiantes de Pre-K a segundo grado, los libros de trabajo y los paquetes de trabajo se enviarán a casa con los estudiantes hoy en caso de que un evento climático justifique un día de aprendizaje independiente para los estudiantes. Si no tenemos un evento climático, los padres pueden utilizar estos paquetes con los estudiantes para practicar extra durante la semana. Además, hemos poblado el sitio web de nuestro distrito con enlaces a recursos adicionales que se pueden utilizar con los estudiantes para reforzar los estándares del nivel de grado. Estos enlaces se encuentran dentro de la parte Para Padres del sitio web de las Escuelas del Condado de Tift. El sitio web se puede traducir haciendo clic en la palabra TRANSLATE en la esquina superior derecha. Entonces se puede seleccionar el idioma necesario. Consulte el sitio web del distrito, nuestras páginas de redes sociales y su correo electrónico para obtener información sobre cualquier retraso o cierre de escuelas que pueda ser necesario. Si no se anuncia un día independiente de aprendizaje en línea asegúrese de que los estudiantes traigan sus Chromebooks a la escuela la próxima semana cuando regresen a clases. Como recordatorio, para la seguridad de los estudiantes, los Chromebooks para estudiantes de nivel de escuela primaria se apagaran durante las horas siguientes 9:00 p.m a 7:00 a.m , durante este tiempo no podrán acceder a nada en su dispositivo. Ayude a su hijo a proteger y cuidar su Chromebook mientras esté en su poder. Manténgase seguro y abrigado y le enviaremos información tan pronto como esté disponible para nosotros. #4theT
21 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Vigilancia del clima invernal
The weather outlets are predicting that a winter storm with the potential for ice may impact Tifton on Tuesday-Thursday of this coming week. Today, we will be sending Chromebooks home with all 3-12th grade students in case of a weather event that warrants school closure next week. 3rd - 12th grade teachers will provide assignments in your child’s Google Classroom that would need to be completed if the system is closed due to weather. For Pre-K - second grade students, student workbooks and work packets will be sent home with students today in the event a weather event warrants an independent learning day for students. If we do not have a weather event, parents may utilize these packets with students for extra practice throughout the week. Additionally, we have populated our district website with links to additional resources that can be utilized with students to reinforce grade level standards. These links are within the For Parents part of the Tift County Schools website. Please watch the district website, our social media pages, and your email for information about any school delays or closures that may be necessary. If an online/independent learning day is not called, please make sure students bring their Chromebooks back to school next week when they come. As a reminder, for student safety, Chromebooks for students at the elementary school level have a curfew of 9:00pm to 7:00 am, during this time they won’t be able to access anything on their device. Please help your child protect and take care of their Chromebook while it is in their possession. Stay safe and warm and we’ll send out information as soon as it is available to us. #4theT
21 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Winter Weather Watch
We can't wait to see you this weekend as we cheer on HUNDREDS of talented Tift County musicians, from kindergarten through seniors at SWEETS AND SONGS! Tickets will be available at the door prior to each performance. They are $11 each for everyone ages 4+. Student performers do not require a ticket. Clear bag policy applies for all PAC events. Weapons detection systems will be in place. #4theT
21 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Sweets and Songs
We are closely monitoring the weather situation for next week. In the event that there are any school delays or closures, information will be pushed out via multiple outlets including: social media, website, email, Tift County Schools App and call-outs. To make sure that you receive all notifications, please log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and verify that your email address and phone numbers are correct. If any information needs to be updated please contact Central Registration at (229) 387-2400 or by email at #4theT
22 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Contact Information Updates
Come support our youngest singers on the BIG stage this Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Each elementary school will perform once throughout the weekend and our 4 show choirs will be debuting their competition shows at every performance. *order listed is not order of performance* Tickets are $11 for everyone ages 4+. Student performers do not require a ticket. Tickets are available through the individual schools during the week and at the door the day of. Clear bag policy applies and weapons detection system will be in place. #4theT
25 days ago, Dana Spurlin
Sweets and Songs
Read Across America t-shirts are on sale now! Students received order forms last week! You can use the order form to pay using cash or check. If you use cash, exact change must be sent. Checks may be made out to Northside Elementary. You can also order and pay online using the QR code on the order form. A small fee will be added to online orders, so the $12 t-shirt will be $13. The deadline for orders is 12:00 pm on January 31st. See the order form and images for more information.
25 days ago, Tracey Dicks
RAA t shirt pictures
RAA t shirt pictures