The first Wednesday in October is National Coffee with a Cop Day. It was created to foster relationships with police officers and community members. Fourth and fifth grade "celebrated" by inviting Deputy Vazquez from the Tift County Sherriff's Office to speak on the role police officers serve in our community.
Help us celebrate Tift County's Homecoming by dressing in your favorite Tift County Blue Devil Spirit Wear tomorrow (Friday, October 7)!
Our school day begins at 7:45 am. Students (car riders, bus riders, walkers, day care vans, etc.) may begin arriving at 7:00 am.
A big Northside shout-out to Aiden Baltazar! He helps keep Northside clean everyday! #4theT #dftba
Mrs. Wilcox's 4th graders celebrated all of their first quarter accomplishments with a PJ day!
Parent-Teacher conferences are Wednesday, October 12th. Look for a note from your child's teacher with a sign up time. Please schedule your time to talk with your child's teacher about their progress and any concerns you may have.
Yesterday was National Architecture Day, and Mrs. Brown and Ms. Burk's kindergarten class celebrated by making a blue print and building with shapes. #4theT #dftba #learningisfun #relentlesslypursuingacultureofexcellence #anchorsup
Click the link below for the October Title I parent newsletters and planners.
Krispy Kreme has a new policy that requires a 72 hour notice of a large order, so the Wednesday pick up time has been canceled. The new pick up time is Monday (October 10th) from 4:00-5:00 pm in the car rider line at Northside.
September Bingo Readers Karson Banks and Stella Boles are becoming stronger readers every day by practicing at home. We are so proud of you! #readersareleaders #dftbareaders #4theT
Don't forget to turn in your September BINGO Sheets to Mrs. Willis! They are due tomorrow! Clink the link below for more information.
Congratulations to our certified and classified staff for September: Mrs. LeahAnn Ellis and Mrs. Eloise Stone. Mrs. Ellis is our GATE resource teacher and Mrs. Stone is our special education paraprofessional. These two ladies are always awesome and strive everyday to make Northside better. Special thanks to Blue Tassel II for the beautiful flower arrangements. #4theT #dftba #relentlesslypursuingacultureofexcellence #anchorsup
Mrs. Beard and Mrs. May's kindergarten class made applesauce to celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday! #4theT #dfbta #anchorsup #relentlesslypursuingacultureofexcellence #learningisfun
Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society adopted our greenhouse as their community service project. They built a work shelf for the kids and then got Lowe's to donate all the plants! #4theT #relentlesslypursuingacultureofexcellence #dftba
We are aware that schools south of us have made a decision to close tomorrow and Friday. We have received no information at this time leading us to make that decision for Tift County Schools. We will continue to monitor the storm and work with our local EMA to make decisions. At this time we will be having school on Thursday and Friday. #4theT
We are monitoring the weather situation and will continue to send out updates as we receive information. If it is determined that there is a need to make a change to the school calendar, we will notify everyone as soon as possible. Visit for updates or changes to the athletics calendar for this week.
This is a great time to make sure you have updated your contact information, if you have not done so. Log into the Parent Portal and go to More > Online Registration and choose 22-23 Existing Student Registration. For questions about updating information you can also contact Central Registration at 229-387-2424.
Download our TiftSchools app and turn on notifications to receive the latest information as it is sent out. #4theT
Northside Parents, we would love for you to register for the Cyber Security and Cyberbullying training in the form below! Lunch will be provided to all attendees. Meeting will be at J. T. Reddick, Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 12:00-1:00.
House Spirit Cart! Tomorrow! Check out the items for sale!
Want to receive notifications for the latest school news and information? Download our app today. Search Tift County Schools, GA in the App Store or Google Play Store. #4theT
As part of ensuring the safety and security of our students and staff, there will be a LOCKDOWN DRILL at Northside Elementary tomorrow. This is only a drill. #4theT